
HTF Adventures Cursed Lands Ch.1

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Chapter 1: Toronado Incident & arrived in Happy Tree Land

Meanwhile when a terrible storm has came in all of the United States of America, there are 2 girls inside a house called Mack & Rachel, they are inside the house having a peace & quiet time to think of what they would like to draw next or what story they would like to write next but all they hear is a wind blowing hard outside that sounds like a terrible weather.

Rachel is from England, she has brunette hair that is soft as silk & her eyes are like a chocolate brown colour, she wears a sleeveless top & comfortable pants. But she wears her lucky charm around her neck is a blue crystal that looks abit like the one from the Disney Movie Atlantis, her secret about her necklace is that it's magic & it's never revealed to anyone.

Mack lives in the USA, she has dark brunette hair with purple strips & has the same eye colour as Rachel, she wears a nice top & pants. but she wears the same crystal around her neck except that it's red instead of blue.

"Geez, will that stupid storm ever going to stop? We'll never think of any ideas for another fan OC for Happy Tree Friends with all this racket out there." Rachel grumbled. "I know how you feel, Rachel. But grumbling about the storm won't help solve our problems if you carry on like this. I mean... It's not that Mother Nature can do everything around here. It's just the way the weather is that God created. Maybe it will quiet down in a little while. You don't have to worry about it." Mack said. "Yeah, you're right. We'll just hope that it'll soon be over & we can consentrate on what we're doing." Rachel said, nervously giggles.

"How about we'll take a look at one of the Happy Tree Friends episodes on YouTube? Shall we?" Mack said, going on her computer. "Sure. You know how much I like Flippy & Flaky. They're my most HTF favorite couple when I think of them." Rachel said. "But the poor little guy has a very tough time with his evil counterpart inside him." she said, sadly.
"Yeah. Poor guy." Mack said, sadly. "I do wish that his evil counterpart Fliqpy was out of Flippy's body for good so he can have a happy normal life just like all of his friends & never be tormented by Fliqpy's evil cruel ways again." she thought, typing in one Happy Tree Friend episode on YouTube.

"If only Flaky could have the courage to face Fliqpy, if she keeps an eye on Flippy more & she'll understand why he keeps flipping out because of what he sees or hears makes him think of the wars before that monster takes over his body. I know that she cares alot about him more then just a friend." Rachel said. "Yeah... They're both such close friends & I know that they really like each other." Mack said.

Knowing that Mack was right, Rachel still can't help herself feeling sorry for Flippy & wishes that there's a way to help him get his evil counterpart out of his body so he & Flaky can have a relationship together.

"So... Mack? Have you ever wonder what it's like to be in another world where no one has never gone before?" Rachel asked. "Well now thst you mentioned it. I do. It's not just any place like Dorothy Gale does when she got to the land of Oz in the story book that anyone has ever read. It could be somewhere far, far away. A place like..." Mack said.
"A place like Happy Tree Land, where we can make some new friends & have adventures that can be exciting & dangerous & face againest enemies that no one knows about. Except from being killed by whatever... I don't know. Maybe anything that anyone had to watch out for." Rachel said, shrugging.

"If Happy Tree Land was real, the power of your crystal could protect us both from anything dangerous that would prevent us from being killed. Mack said, looking at her friend's blue crystal necklace. "Yeah. Since like the last time when my dog Toto & I were magically teleported in my favorite Disney move "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" it was exciting but... Abit scary with Judge Claude Frollo trying to make me his lover but I wouldn't fall for a monstrous murderer like him. He's not half the man that Quasimodo was." Rachel said.

"Yeah. But Fliqpy is not the man that Flippy is. Flippy is suffering like that because of him." Mack said, touching her red crystal necklace around her neck. "Like you said so yourself, Flippy wishes for Fliqpy to be gone forever." she continued. "Yes, he really wants to be normal just like all of his friends in Happy Tree Land. If only Flaky would stop being so scared all the time like when she saw Fliqpy kill Disco Bear, Petunia & Giggles, Flippy just couldn't help it when he flips out & it's not his fault that his evil counter part makes him suffer from it." Rachel said, sadly.

"But I only know that Flippy still has something that Fliqpy hasn't got. A very good pure heart." Mack said, placing her hand on Rachel's chest where her heart is. "Cause he's a really good person." she continued. "Love & Friendship is the key to everything to overcome evil." Rachel thought.

"If only Flaky could see it right now." Mack said, tugging her hair behind her ear. "I'm sure she already does cause she knows Flippy more then anyone does." Rachel said, placing her hand over her crystal. "Why don't we look at the Happy Tree Friends episode that we're going to look at before we think of any ideas of what to draw next?"

"Ok. I'd like to look at the one where Pop tried to get Cub out of the sink." Mack said, clicking at the episode. "Sounds good to me. The HTF episode is called And the Kitchen Sink." Rachel said, sitting down next to her friend. "Well I'll tell you something about the father & the baby. Sometimes Pop gets too distracted & Cub ends up in terrible situations."

While watching the HTF episode, Rachel places her hand over her crystal necklace & closes her eyes thinking about the star in the sky where the Blue Fairy was, like in one of her favorite Disney Movies "Pinnochio"

"If only you could hear me, Blue Fairy. I just wanna say that... If Happy Tree Land was real, I wish that Flaky could pluck up the courage if she does care for Flippy. Please help her understand why he's being acting this." Rachel thought, hoping her wish would come true even if it doesn't happen.


An hour has passed, the storm is getting worser by the minute, a terrible twister is coming & everyone had to get to the storm shelter as quickly as they could.

Mack & Rachel were about to get ready to make their way out of the house so they could try to get to the storm shelter but then they noticed that the front door of the house won't open.

"What's wrong with this door, Mack? Why won't it open?" Rachel asked, worrily. "I don't know. Something must've made the door stuck like a... Fallen tree or something." Mack said. "So... What do we do now?" Rachel asked. "Come on, let's head back into my bedroom, Rach." Mack said, grabbing her friend's hand & heads upstairs to her bedroom as fast as they could before closing the door behind them. At least we're both safe in here for now." Mack said. "I hope so, Mack. I really do hope so. It's much scarier then the one from the Wizard of Oz movie." Rachel said, worrily.

Before Mack could say anything, something crashed through the window & hit her back head before falling on the floor unconsious, which makes Rachel go in shock. "Mack!" Rachel cried, trying to wake her friend up. "Mack, are you ok? Please anwser me! You got to wake up now!"

Then something came through the window again & hit Rachel on the back of her head before she went unconsious laying next to Mack. For a moment, the house has being lifted in the air by the tornado all the way into the sky & about to be taken on a journey somewhere that no one has been before.


Inside the house, Mack was the first to be woken up from the rumbling as she got up on her feet & took a look out of her bedroom window & finds that they're in a tornado. "Oh my god! We have be taken up inside the cyclone! I won't let anything bad happen to Rachel. I have to stay close to her when this is all over." Mack thought, sitting next to her unconsious friend.

Then a book began flying & starting coming through the window as Mack finally caught it with her hands just in time before feeling the house shaking around which makes her go unconsious again after hitting her head.

The house was about to make it's way down to get a crash landing, 2 flashes of light shone with a flash from inside then it stopped shining before the house had finally made a terrible crash-landing on the ground with a crash.


Inside the house, everything is abit of messy & has a little damage except that there's some pottery that are smashed into pieces on the floor. In the bedroom, Mack has woke up from her unconsiousness, rubbing her head & find her room abit of a mess, which makes her feel so annoyed.

"OH! That stupid tornado really make terrible messes out of everything inside my home! I've spend hours cleaning my room up." Mack moaned grumpily. "At least I've got this book that I've caught in the winds." she said, holding the book in her hands before she brought out her backpack & puts it inside before putting it behind her back.

But Mack never even notices that she's not the same human girl that she used to look like, she's a small cute bat with a tan fur colour, big ears, bat wings attached under her arms & still has the same hair style with purple strips in her brunette hair, before Mack could say anything she just noticed that Rachel is missing & starts to begining to panic. "Rachel! Rachel? Rachel are you still here? Oh no. I hope she hasn't..." Mack said, worrily before running out of her room downstairs as she began searching everywhere in her whole house for Rachel but she couldn't find her anywhere cause she's not here.
"Maybe Rachel isn't anywhere in the house. She could be somewhere outside taking some fresh since after the tornado, I should go out & have a check." Mack said, making her way to the front door & opens  it but... She saw something that amazed her with her very own eyes. "I... I don't believe it." she thought.

Walking out of the house, Mack finds herself in the middle of the field in wonder, except that there's no one around & has a feeling that it doesn't look like the USA. "I... I don't think I'm at home anymore. I must be somewhere in a different world." Mack said, looking all around her before noticing wings under her arms, "What the...? Ar... Are these... Wings? How did they...? This is really getting very weird so... Wait a minute." she thought. Trying to find something to look in her reflection before Mack saw a river not too far away. "Great! there's a river. Now I can see why I've got those wings under my arms." she said, running over to the river & looked at her reflection... "What the...? That face doesn't look more like me at all. It is me but... This face is not mine, those ears are not mine & these wings are not...! AAAAAHHH!!! This can't really be happening to me. I think... I've turned into... INTO AN ANIMAL!!!" Mack screamed as her voice echoes through the trees & birds started flying away.

Then the red crystal around Mack's neck began to glow & she heard a female voice saying. "Mack, please don't freak out. You're absolutely fine."

"Huh? Who's there? How do you know my name? And how could I be fine if I'm not human anymore?" Mack asked. "I look like some kind of weird bat or something." "You do. But I know exactly what happened to you & your friend Rachel. But I'll tell you everything of what happened but you need to listen to me very carefully so you can understand why." The voice said. "Ok... I'm listening." Mack said, begining to listen to the voice.

"Since the tornado had carried you & your friend away in the house that yous were in, yous were magically teleported to this place known as... Happy Tree Land. And this is why yous weren't human anymore, yous had been transformed into animals since before the house crash-landed here. So this is how yous have turned into your Happy Tree Forms."

"Happy Tree...? Of course! Now I do understand what you're talking about. So... Were you the one who...?" Mack asked. "No, I didn't use my magic to do that. It was some kind of unknown magic that I've never seen before, it might have something of what happened to you two." The voice said. "I see... But do you know anything of what happened to Rachel? I searched everywhere in my house & I just couldn't find her anywhere since I was knocked out." Mack said.

I do know. She might be wondering around all by herself somewhere in Happy Tree Land. If she is ok. The voice said. "I'm sure she is Miss... Whatever you are. If Rachel is somewhere in Happy Tree Land, then this is where I'll be going to look for her." Mack said, before giving a worried look. "But... I only regonize her as a human. What does she look like in her HTF Form?"

"Well... Rachel is a pretty brown fox with a silky ponytail & still has the same blue crystal around her neck that I've given her since her first adventure." The voice said. "What? Rachel's first adventure? Mack asked in confustion. "Yes. The crystal can teleport her after she makes a wish, she helped a disfigured young man to overcome his fears of the dark clothed man with a dark heart & to those who are afraid of his looks." The voice explained. "Well... Rachel did told me something about it, she befriended the bellringer Quasimodo & they became so close cause they both understand each other. But an evil man in dark clothing, who has hatred of gypsies & wants Rachel all to himself but she rejected him because of his cruelty abusive & violence to Quasi." Mack replied.

"Rachel really did told you everything on her adventures." The voice said. "Yes, she did. After the scariest & excitement she has been through." Mack said, smiling. "Well speaking of scariest & excitement... But all I know is that Happy Tree Land can be abit violent. If anything goes wrong, anyone ends up getting killed & brought back to life again. So you & Rachel have to be more careful around here." The voice said in advice. "Rachel can always be more careful, I know that her crystal can protect her since it's magic." Mack said. "If she can protect others from anything dangerous." she thought.

"It'll always protect her from danger & your crystal here will do the same for you. But those wings on your arms can help you to fly & use them to protect others." The voice said. "Fly? Fly?! How can I fly? I've never flown before in my entire life. Not when I'm human." Mack said. "But how can use my wings to protect others?"

"It's only up to you to figure it out, Mack. But no matter how much you've tried, you'll do just fine flying in the air when you control your wings & use them like a shield." The voice said, wisely. "But I really must go now."

"Go? Go where? Can't you please show me who you are & how you know anything about Rachel?" Mack asked. "Not today. You'll have a chance to see me when this is all over." The voice replied. "No, no wait! Please don't go! What do you mean when this is all over?" Mack called out.

The voice reply back to her, Mack knew that she's has gone, she wonders who it was & how did she know about Rachel's first adventure. "Well... I guess I'll have to wait & see. I better go look for Rachel, she'll be wondering around all by herself in Happy Tree Land & I do hope that she doesn't end up running into any trouble." Mack thought. "Thank you for your time, Miss... Whoever you are. I do hope that I'll see what you look like someday." she called, walking away from the house & into the forest, with her backpack, to find Rachel.


After wandering off far away from Mack's house an hour ago, Rachel, who is now a pretty brown fox, ends up in a forest which is very misty & she finds it abit scary but she couldn't let that frighten her.

"At least this forest isn't that very scary as the dark forest from the Disney Movie Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs back at home. I would end up seeing scary eyes & scary things if they end up freaking me out if I was in that movie." Rachel thought. "I'm feeling so very tired & exhausted, I can hardly take another step forward. But I really need to find a place to stay until I figure out where I am & how I became this brown... animal." she said, looking at her reflection in the stream. "I better keep on going through the mist & find a way out of this forest. If only... If only Mack is here with me. She might be wandering where I am by now."

Rachel just kept on walking through the mist, she couldn't let her exhausted feet stop her from finding a way out of the forest & find a place to rest before she noticed an opening of the forest as she ran towards it & saw a road in front of her.
"Whoa! I finally made it out of this misty foggy forest & now... There's a road. Which means... Whenever there's a road, there might be a town somewhere. If I follow along the road, I might even see if I could find a place for me to rest my feet & legs." Rachel said, walking along the sideway of the road.


For about an hour 1/2 has passed, Rachel was so very tired, her legs still hurts even more, her head felt like that she's got a headache or something & her vision has gone all blurry.

"Oh... I... I'm so exhausted. I... I... I don't think I can... I don't think I can keep on walking anymore." Rachel said, collapsing her legs on the ground before going unconscious & hitting her forehead that leaves a nasty cut that's begining to bring out some blood as it spreads over the middle of her face, her nose & the middle of her mouth.

Then suddenly a red creature, who saw of what happened from the distance of the sideway, appeared infront of Rachel, she was so shocked to see a pretty brown fox fallen on the ground & hit her head before kneeling down on the ground.

The creature is known as the red porcupine with the white flakes in her quills, named Flaky, she did notice that Rachel has blood over the middle of her face before she saw that she has hitten her forehead after going unconscious on the ground. "Uh... Miss? Miss? Are you ok?" Flaky asked nervously, trying to shake Rachel awake but she wouldn't wake up.

"Oh no. She really needs help. What can I do? I need to phone someone for help. But who? Uh... I know! I'll phone Flippy. He can help me get her back to my place in his jeep so I can aid her. I hope... Nothing goes wrong when he helps me." Flaky thought, bringing out her phone & dialing the number of one of her friends for help.

To Be Continued

Here's the first chapter of the HTF Adventure Story that my friend :iconarzaldaxemanks: & I are being working on.

Our heroines have landed in Happy Tree Land & has transformed into their HTF Forms since after the tornado incident. It seems that they've both being separated but the only question is... Will they both be reunited once again?

Well... you'll just have to wait & see. ;)

Mack belongs to :iconarzaldaxemanks:
Rachel belongs to warriormoonnight

Hope you like it & please no mean comments.

© 2014 - 2024 warriormoonnight
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